Archive Of My Priceless Works

Saturday, June 30, 2012

An Americana Barbecue

 so summer at the Dooley Manor includes four courses, course 1 is vegetables with ranch, pita chips with hummus, and the ever loved cheese platter. this time there was blueberry cheese. gotten from the blueberry festival. i guess there was some blueberries. then there is the alcohol stain. not a proper course but everyone has a drink. well everyone over sixteen.

 i really love my camera. it's broken and even if it wasn't they don't make film for it anymore. but it's still beautiful.
 i don't know whats going on her. maybe the camera has taken over my body and it's glee at having a moving form showed for a moment. we may never know.

 see all that food. course two is meat. course three is desert. and course four is second desert. or coffee. or sometimes s'mores. depending on the season.
 nail polish is loonys. glasses are mine.

 our cameras
 I'm really in love with this picture.

and this on.

well that's it folks. my nine day adventure in like five posts. spirit fashion coming up. should be perfect. bye

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