Archive Of My Priceless Works

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ha, Like I Ever Would

 I'm back. with an official outfit post. aren't you happy. please tell me you care! anywho, this one is kinda like that punk-rock feel. to match the red, nineties hair. ya. also i need something comfortable. sorry about the red eye. to lazy to edit. ya, this is why i edit. you probably can't even see what I'm wearing. FIY my earrings are new, little feathers, silver. promise pics soon.
 dear dairy, today was a bad day
kinda like that feel. rebellious but to lay to actually be rebellious. you know how my accessories never actually make sense. well this outfit had a theme going on for the accessories . black and silver. all my jewelry is either, black, silver, or both. same with the suspenders.
i washed my hair today and it looked like i committed murder in the shower. i always knew red hair bled when you wash it, but not to this extent. like i was kinda scared i was washing the dye out. but it's as red as ever.
shirt, shoes; Target
pants, Sears
suspenders, ring, necklace, bracelets: Claire's
earrings: Random store in Brooklyn. 2.50. score!


  1. thank you darling. considering i didn't edit this I'm surprised you can even see me.
