Archive Of My Priceless Works

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Oh What To Do With My Teen Time

so. this has nothing to do with fashion, but i need help. so please, if your reading, comment. my life has been wobbly. school, blogging, inter-webbing, fashioning, writing, and reading have all muddled up into one big mess. meaning uselessly all i do is school. I'm good with schedules. I'm good at keeping them and improving them without breaking the rules. but I'm horrible at actually making them. i need my days to have structure so a five day plan, excluding weekends, would be lovely. i am gonna share with you some ideas and you shall comment to tell me your favorite. also this way if i break the schedule i can't pretend like it wasn't official. 

number one
wake up. as early as possible
check Gmail, blogs, and any other internet-ness. no more then thirty minutes
do half of my school. 
take a break and get dressed. if shower is needed put that in there
do the rest of school
eat some sort of lunch. meat pies excepted (off note, my meat pies are boss. well. when i made the filling it came out swell and I'm great at stuffing the crust without making it explode in the oven. )
make brother take pics. if he will not to automatic timer.
write or read for two-three hours depending on my book, and my story
clean any mess made by school, fashioning, and picture taking.
draw/sew/check out
by now it should be latish. meaning sisters, father, and any other people.
read for the rest of the night. or if you have access to a computer check all internet-ness once more.
sleep or think

number two
wake up. as early as possible
get dressed. if shower is needed put that in there. this will cause lateness in starting school so be prepared.
check Gmail, blogs, and any other internet-ness. no more then thirty minutes.
do half of my school. 
make brother take pics. if he will not to automatic timer.
do the rest of school
eat some sort of lunch. meat pies excepted (off note, my meat pies are boss. well. when i made the filling it came out swell and I'm great at stuffing the crust without making it explode in the oven. )
write or read for two-three hours depending on my book, and my story
clean any mess made by school, fashioning, and picture taking.
draw/sew/check out
by now it should be latish. meaning sisters, father, and any other people.
read for the rest of the night. or if you have access to a computer check all internet-ness once more.
sleep or think

i know you guys don't care but i need you to chose. think of it this way, if I'm forced to blog/fashion every day you will get more posts.

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