Archive Of My Priceless Works

Friday, February 3, 2012


 hello you. so sorry about my absence. i fashioned every day but i as either to lazy to take pics or the camera broke. it happened. this i wore on Monday. i know. at first i was trying to dress in the flags colors. red, white, and blue. but then i relied that i was really trying to find a way to introduce you to my Lolita sailor shirt. but still the right colors theme.
 my blue pants worked and then my sister's red shoes. I've tried to stop borrowing there shoes but these worked so well... my sunglasses fit into the whole 'America is full of fun in the sun' feel.
 i wore my planet/spaceship earrings because of a our dear departed space program. i don't really have thoughts on Obama but, i shake my fist.
 lovely Lolita shirts. the underside of the collar is covered in white lace. i don't know why cause the collar folds over but i never complain about extra lace. the sleeves also end in layers of white lace. wee.
my red, white, and blue nails. also a close up of the gorgeous pattern. i wore my money ring, kinda cause i don't really know anything about our recession but America is just too rich. we're poor in a rich way. if you know what i mean. also cause i love my money ring. i went shopping today so expect the new inspiration to make me take epics. ya man.sorry about the lack of insight pis. my brother lazied out and none of the photos he took we in any way presentable. no matter how much i Photoshopped them.
shirt: Salvation army
pants; Sears
shoes: Sister's
earrings: Claire's
ring: um, a dollar bill
sunglasses: Old Navy

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