Archive Of My Priceless Works

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Blast Off

Greetings. How's your life going? mine's fine, pretty barren. but i dug this shirt up from the depths of my closet and realized how much i missed it.
 it was cold today, as it should be, so after getting dressed i wrapped myself up in a blanket and drank copious amounts of tea.
 lately i've taken to looking like a hobo, with over sized shirts and sweaters, so a chance to actually wear something nice was welcome.

hat: H&M
jacket: Salvation Army
shirt: Brother's
shorts, tights, socks: Target
shoes: Ebay

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Hello new followers. ever since i've opened my blog people have been noticing me. which is slightly strange but lovely. i know i haven't been posting lately. fall is weird. but winter is my element. last December i posted daily. i think I'll challenge myself to do that again. i want to set up a weekly style, DIY, life post, and daily outfit posts. but that will take some planning on my part so please be patent while i get things in order.once again thank you. Christmas is coming, in case you haven't noticed.