still catching up on the trip to pen. the shirt was made by me. all my little cousin's eyes lit up when they saw it, so i guess i'm doing something right.
more of the crazy hill behind our house. the other half of the house wasn't being rented so we had lots of fun trespassing on their part of the woods, stealing their wood, and falling over.
then the parents organized a hike through the field behind our house. the grass was tall for me, so the girls we nearly lost. this is the shrine of dead wheat we found. no other wheat or plants apart form grass, and then these. i wanted to steal it but i didn't.
there were lots of strange cars parts strewn about. also a shed
hiking is srs business y'all
mysterous woods we did not wander into.
there were tree stumps with smileys on them strategically placed every five yards or so. we had great fun throwing rocks, trying to make them not smile, we missed every time.
then it was fishing with the manly men known as Andrew and Alex.
i disapprove of harming animals for sport, so in protest i sat and listened to music. i had forgotten a book like the idiot i am. speaking of books, never go bookless for a week, you'll die.
then they caught a fish
then we went on another hike through the woods next to the lake. we found an abandoned play set, which Andrew and I promptly stole.
also a collapsed tree. here max and Andrew display what goes down in our family. the elders forcing the children to learn how to fit, sneak, and kill. Alex did it to Andrew, Nicole, B-man and I. now we are doing it to the youngster. i guess that's why we organized races in the dark and games of werewolf.
a surprisingly good picture form my brother. i think it's just that our camera was made to take pictures outdoors.
Andrew is king of all, deal with it.